Thursday, June 16, 2016

Optiluiz's Day Off - Part V.5

Greetings, Epic Clubbers!

Optiluiz here once more with yet another silly comic strip starring yours truly. I hope you enjoy it, but I've been doing some script edits and realized that our last comic isn't up to par with our "regular" programming, so we might as well just ignore it. What do you guys think? In any case...

This has been quite a week. Nothing extraordinary happened, but it's been surprisingly pleasant. I'm finally ready to say goodbye to the greatest television series ever made (Hannibal), so I've been finishing up the third season in my free time, and I'll never feel whole again. If you're out there, God, we've only one prayer for you; BRING BACK HANNIBAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Other than that, I've almost reached the end of Dark Souls 2, and am certainly going to purchase the third one when it becomes financially feasible to do so. I actually had an awful experience with Bloodborne, but for some reason Dark Souls seems way more enjoyable. I'm not entirely sure why, since Bloodborne is just a reskinned version of its predecessors.

Not much else to write about for now, but I believe next week will have a lot more news. In the mean-time, thank you for visiting, and don't forget to visit the About Us page and get in touch with our social media accounts. Have a great weekend, readers.

Chainsaw cheers,

-Optiluiz out.

PS: Anyone else enjoyed the living hell out of E3 this year? Sony was killin' it, man.

PPS: I guess I'll include the Death Stranding trailer as Optiluiz's Jam-of-the-Week, since I'm a massive Kojima fan-boy, and his trailers are usually complex music videos anyway.

PPPS: We'll be reaching the end of Optiluiz's Day Off quite soon, folks, so don't lose hope!

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