Friday, September 29, 2017

Veteran of a Thousand Meme Wars - Part XI

Greetings, readers!

Optiluiz here once more with yet another edition of Veteran of a Thousand Meme Wars! I hope you enjoy today's half-assed comic, as it's the last one before Hallow- I mean, October... Which also means that it's my last post as a 22-year-old loser. From now on, I'll be a 23-year-old loser. Yay!

Anyways, how've you guys been? Since we last met, I've done some cool stuff and made some unlikely plans as well. Hell, I went to an Alice Cooper concert for free, and found myself exclusively reviewing The Asylum movies for the forseeable future. Go, amateur journalist me!

I've also finished replaying God of War 3 with Mario, which means that I've replayed every single God of War game in 2017! Sadly, I'm not all that excited for the new one, but who knows, right? In other news, I've also been watching some WKYK, which I'd recommend to anyone who has the same shitty sense of humor that I do.

Not much else to say today, as I've gotta take a long nap and dream about having a robust social life, where gathering a group of friends to play Monopoly isn't an insurmountable struggle. Ta-ta for now, but I'll leave you folks with a classic cooper song in celebration of my good fortune.

Chainsaw cheers,

-Optiluiz out...

PS: I really had to resist the urge to re-post He's Back, but I've been told that I need to expand my musical horizons.

PPS: Ugh, I've been having a hard time dealing with what lies beyond the wall of sleep.

Friday, September 15, 2017

Veteran of a Thousand Meme Wars - Part X

Greetings, Epic Clubbers!

How've you been? Optiluiz here once more with yet another exciting chapter in the Veteran of a Thousand Meme Wars saga! I'd apologize for the comic being a little late, but come on, can you really be late if there was never any expectation for you to be on time? Think about that for a minute.

Anyway, these past few weeks have been pretty crazy. I had my first official journalistic gig, revamped some old projects and even met a few celebrities. I've also seen some kick-ass movies, like the new It and a remastered version of Akira in theaters.

I actually had today's comic prepared for a while now, I just couldn't find the time to post it in between college and consuming dank meme compilations. Either way, despite how hectic things get, life has been alright. I'm still struggling to find players for my Call of Cthulhu campaign, but I think that will be resolved eventually.

Not much else to say for now, but I hope you've enjoyed today's special brand of self-deprecating humor. I'll leave you guys with a song that's been a big part of my late nights recently. Have a great weekend.

Chainsaw cheers,

- Optiluiz out.

PS: You guys should seriously watch It, though the box office numbers suggest that you already have. The book is awesome as well.

PPS: I think I've given up on the Elder Scrolls Online. This is the longest I've tolerated an online game, though.

PPPS: Really feel like hosting a Halloween party this year... Oh well...