Friday, March 9, 2018

Veteran of a Thousand Meme Wars - Part XIV

Greetings, Epic Clubbers!

Optiluiz here once more, with yet another quality addition to our soon-to-be-concluded season of comics! How've you guys been? I've had a busy week now that Summer Vacation is over, but doesn't it feel great to finally kick the boots off your feet after a long day and blog on a Friday night? What, just me?

So, anyone else check out the Oscars on Sunday? I've been keeping up with them for quite a few years now, and while they've never been much more than a manipulative scheme orchestrated by the Illuminati a somewhat entertaining pasttime, this last ceremony was pretty bad, even for awards show standards. Shape of Water definitely didn't deserve that award, but I'm glad Del Toro might finally be taken seriously now, so we may yet see his version of At The Mountains of Madness!

I've been rewatching that early 2000s MTV Spider-Man show again, which is always great. Aesthetically speaking, it's definitely my favorite version of the character, and I'd love a Spider-Man movie that looks (and sounds) like that. Alas, it seems the future of everything I love seems destined to involve child-friendly productions with no regard for style or atmosphere. Hunh. I'm such an old man.

Anyway, that's about it for now. Hope y'all enjoyed the post, and don't forget to comment, like our Facebook page and shit like that. I think Sr. M will be here soon to play some more Left 4 Dead, so I'll be going now. However, I'll leave you guys with yet another catchy tune to finish off the week.

Chainsaw cheers,

-Optiluiz out.

PS: Anyone have any obscure Found Footage films to recommend? I'm on an ill-advised quest to see them all.

PPS: Bought some cool shit online, I'll talk about it when it gets here. Might take a while, though, with Brazil having a worst postal service than Mars.

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Veteran of a Thousand Meme Wars - Part XIII

Greetings, Epic Clubbers!

Optiluiz here with yet another thrilling update to our Veteran of a Thousand Meme Wars story, and I hope you're all having a wonderful February. Wow, we didn't even have to wait half a year this time! That's nothing to be proud of progress, I guess.

Anyway, what have you guys been up to? I'm enjoying my last week of "summer" vacation, fighting off boredom with copious amounts of movies, games, television and apocalyptic literature. Not much else to do around here, to be painfully honest.

Well, I finished binge-watching Todd and The Book of Pure Evil, which I whole-heartedly recommend to anyone who might be interested in a fusion of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Evil Dead and American Pie with a Canadian twist.

I'm not sure I have anything else to say today but if I think of something I'll add it to the PS section below. In the meantime, thanks for visiting, and I'll leave ya'll with a catchy aussie tune.
Chainsaw cheers,

-Optiluiz out.

PS: Finally finished Halo 2. God, I hate cliffhangers. Especially when the next game isn't fucking available on PC.

PPS: Who wants to chill out on a cold and rainy day and watch conspiracy documentaries with me?

PPPS: Fight the Zeitgeist.

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Veteran of a Thousand Meme Wars - Part XII

Greetings, Epic Clubbers!

Optiluiz here once more, only a few months late this time! Jesus Christ, I shouldn't have taken this long to post. Not just because these comics need to be completed, but because now I have to get everyone up to speed with the honestly uneventful drag rollercoaster ride that is my life.

I hope you're all doing fine in this year of our (dark) lord 2018. I'm doing alright, myself, but since I last posted... a lot of shit went down. I'll try to sum things up as best as I can, but to be honest, these have been some of the weirdest and busiest moments of my life.

Let me see... I stood only a few meters away from Hideo Kojima with my dude Mário during our first visit to São Paulo back in October, which was pretty cool. The gaming event itself was rather disappointing, especially since we were denied autographs (press doesn't have THAT many perks, apparently), but that's alright because I finally met our number one (and possibly only) fan, Rasg Girl (Maah)! It only took 7 years, but hey, what do you expect from the world's least punctual blogger?

So, in honor of my cosmic sister, here's a random doodle of a mechanically-improved version of her, immune to anxiety attacks and who's not afraid to come visit me in Curitiba every once in a while.

Well, in November I wrapped production on one of the first film school shorts that I'm actually proud of,  although there's still miles to go before it's finalized. I don't think I should show it to you guys yet, but trust me when I say the wait will be worth the wait (hah, optimism!), and it gave me ideas for a 2018 project which you'll read about eventually.

In December I travelled to São Paulo again for Comic-Con, fulfilling a life-long dream of going to these cool events for free, and even managed to hang out with Maah again, which was awesome. I met some great people at the event as well, like the insanely talented Ben Templesmith and even Sam Hart (who gifted me with signed copies of Atomic Blonde and the graphic novel it's based on!). I even helped out with a college buddy's TV show and got to see a free Gamarjobat show! All in all, it was pretty fun.

Of course, I experienced my yearly sabbatical in Maringá during this summer vacation, and finally got around to reading Frank Herbert's Dune (courtesy of my dude, Mário). I was also certified as a critic for a particular movie theater franchise, which is awesome. Other than that, I guess I just slept watched movies, slept played videogames and slept chilled out as much as possible, as I'm liable to do. I'm probably forgetting a lot here, but I can always add stuff to the post scriptum, right?

More recently, I spent some of January in Florianópolis, a tropical island that REALLY looks like a Jurassic Park set (once again, courtesy of Mário). During my time there I reread some old blog posts, and realized that I had somehow lost the passion behind much of my writing since then, which is something I'm trying to remedy now, both here and on Bloody Disgusting (where you should totally check out my latest article about Marble Hornets).

2018 feels like it's going to be another big year, which is one of the reasons why I finally decided to start posting again. I like my tiny corner of the internet, and it feels good to keep hypothetical readers updated. I'm not sure what the future holds, but it will most likely feature some of my shitty humor and badly-drawn comics, and that's good enough for me.

In the coming weeks, I hope to finally end the Veteran of a Thousand Meme Wars arc and start something new, so I'd keep an eye out for more comics in the near future. Thank you very much for visiting, and I'll leave you with a song that helps me out late at night.

Chainsaw cheers,

-Optiluiz out.

PS: Man, I forgot how amazing the original Bourne Trilogy was. Yes, just the trilogy.

PPS: Shout out to Maah/Rasg-Girl, for helping to keep this shitty blog alive since 2010.

PPPS: Max, Mário and I finally finished that RPG session. Let's just say they got the Bad Ending +.

PPPPS: Good Omens just showed up in the mail, yay me!