Wednesday, August 28, 2019

The Life & Times of Optiluiz - Part II

Greetings, Epic Clubbers!

Optiluiz here once more with a new comic, fresh out of the oven! Hope you're all doing well, as I've been having one hell of a weird week. Although, to be honest, I think these are strange times for everyone. The Amazon is on fire, Pepe the frog is being used a symbol of the resistance in the Hong Kong protests and billionaire pedophiles are being murdered before they can incriminate the rest of the elite. Yikes.

Well, on a lighter note, I've been feeling like a regular Hackerman these days. I can't go into details without giving the FBI even more reason to put me on a watchlist, but let's just say that a certain someone can finally play the original Clock Tower on their TV, pointing and clicking with a Wii-Mote. Don't judge me, I lead a boring life.

I hope you guys are liking the new comics, as I've got something special in store further down the line, but feedback is always appreciated. I'm not delusional enough to think I'm a great artist, but I like to think that I've learned a thing or two over the years through the bizarre project that is the ECB.

Actually, the other day I was thinking about how I've been posting less and less over the years, and how the original blog had more reviews and idiotic opinion pieces, and then I realized that I *haven't* been writing less, I've just been posting most of my opinions elsewhere, and the blog is now reserved for silly comics and even sillier life updates. I guess things really don't change, do they? But don't forget to check out my writing over at Bloody-Disgusting and Strategy Informer if you like to read my words.

So... what else? I hear Max is coming back to town, which means we might see some new crossovers, soon! I'm also working on a few new movie projects, one of which is relevant to the blog. Oh, I can also confirm that Once Upon a Time in Hollywood is one of Tarantino's best movies so far.

Oh crap, looks like I'm ramblin' again, so I better leave before it gets worse. Love you guys, and thanks for visiting (if anyone actually does). I'll leave y'all with something that reflects how I've been feeling lately.

Chainsaw Cheers,

-Optiluiz out.

PS: Do you guys recommend any good Wii games?

PPS: I think I'm going to start programming ECB-themed Text Adventures. What's the worst that could happen?

PPPS: Bring a little lovin', bring a little wine!

PPPPS: Finally got around to seeing the new Child's Play, and I liked it a lot more than I expected to!

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