Optiluiz here once more on this lovely (and strangely cold) Friday to present to you the future of ECB! As Max and I were discussing, this is a turning point for the blog, where our comics are suddenly good! But I hope you like today's comic, and remember that you can read it forever, repeating the panels infinitely. Goddamn, I love paradoxes. Now on to the news...
We've tried to get some estimates on a few websites regarding how much our blog is worth, and the answer was over one thousand bucks! Which is low for some, but we expected a lot less, and it's a good motivation to keep trying to make things better. After all, 1000 is infinitely better than a blog which doesn't exist! And here at the ECB, we always have our eyes set on the future!
In other news, I'm almost finished Desperation (although I might be done with it by the time this is online), and it's really a great Stephen King novel. Sure I've read a few that were better, but King is one of my biggest influences and he still can pack a literary punch (although I guess this book is from the 90s). I've also entered a 50-word fiction contest, where I wanted to make something relevant to today's post but I ended up writing about a drunk werewolf. Exciting stuff, people. Now here's a doodle of Optiluiz falling through time!

I think it's very Doctor-Who-ish, but lacks some colour. Maybe in some alternate universe I had more patience and coloured it in. Speaking of which, I finally finished Bioshock Infinite! This is one of the best games I've ever played and I urge all of you to do so as soon as possible! The original Bioshock was a masterpiece of gaming, but this actually surpasses the predacessor in terms of storytelling. However, I really miss the old-school survivor-horror vibe. Max tells me the DLC fixes this, but fuck DLC!
Well, I guess this all I have to say for now. I hope you guys enjoyed this week's post, and I'll leave you with... er... I was going to show you guys the Circle Will Be Unbroken cover from Bioshock Infinite, but I guess I have something different in store. Something regarding Hannibal! I've said before how great this series was, so I'll leave you guys with a little gem I found this week. Have a great weekend!
Chainsaw cheers,
Optiluiz out...
PS: Max here, with the BLOODY BEST COMIC EVER! Ye! I finally decided to draw with half of my skills instead of just 1/4 to get to our fans something at least half-arsed! Now that I'm making actual good comics, I hope our fans can finally admit that they are our fans, don't be ashamed! There's a lot of neat things to be released soon, a song and even our own show! Also, I apologise for the last week not having anything, but I was in the hospital. Anyways, Heil Snails!
PSS: Speaking of all this time travel, Doctor Who is back and Peter Capaldi is great!
PPPS: I didn't finish my book but won the contest! Check out the short short story here!
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