Greetings, Epic Clubbers!
Optiluiz here on this happily chilly Friday evening to inform you that yes, I do in fact make cakes. I actually can cook a lot of things, and so can Max, but I'm obviously the better cook. However, a slight disclaimer: we do not condone drugs on the Epic Club Blog. Except the good, doctor-prescribed ones. We like those because they keep our lead artist alive!
Anyways, I've always spent a lot of time alone in my house, ever since I was a little brat, so one of the first things I had to learn was how to cook for myself. I usually f*** up at least twice before learning a new recipe, but so far I've learned to make a lot of yummy things, and even how to improvise in the kitchen! There is no excuse for not knowing how to feed yourself, since it's something you'll be doing for the rest of your life! And we all love food, of course. Now, on to something different...

The Epic Club Show! Yes, we've been planning this for a while, but I think it's finally feasible! In fact, we were filming today but we decided to wait one more week and bring you guys something truly great. We're generally funny dudes, so we think you guys will enjoy our new (possibly weekly) show about everything (possibly involving food)! We might even have some animation in store... But for now, I hope the title card was enough.
I think that's all I have to say today. I'm pretty tired, and my stomach is rumbling, so I better go feed it. I wish you all a great weekend! Now I leave you with one of my favourite directors teaching people how to make delicious food! Hope you enjoy it!
Chainsaw cheers,
Optiluiz out.
PS: If you guys are interested, I was thinking about making a 'Optiluiz's Favourite Recipes' thing on the blog. Comment and tell us what you think!
I don't know how to cook, and I have a really good excuse: I can eat miojo until the day I die. So fuck it. "There is no excuse blablabla" fuck you. I can buy food. Cooking sucks. Srsly. Yay, waiting for Epic club show <3 I'm not interested in your "Optiluiz's favourite recipes" because I hate cooking. Sorry. BUT I would love to see what your favourite recipes are, so please do it
ReplyDeletethats it bye xoxoxoxoxoxo
Hey Maah!
ReplyDeleteWell, like Robert Rodriguez says, 'Not knowing how to cook is like not knowing how to fuck', since you have to deal with food for the rest of your life. Won't you get tired of ramen? What about sushi and nachos??? You need to know how to make at least your favourites!
And if one more person asks for it, I'll share my fave recipes in the near future! Have a nice day, friend!
Chainsaw cheers,
Optiluiz out.
I don't know how to fuck either and I'm pretty okay with it. I'll always be a kid afterall. I can BUY sushi and nachos. I know how to make rice. I can eat rice and nuggets for the rest of my life too. There are so many options. "If one more person asks for it" great to know that I'm not enough. Thanks friend.
ReplyDeleteI'm not as rich as you are to buy other people's food, Maah.
ReplyDeleteAnd it feels a lot better to eat something you made then to buy
something already done :P.
And your opinion always matters, but the blog needs more views and I want to know what people want to read :P