Greetings, Epic Clubbers!
Optiluiz here on yet another chilly and pleasant Friday with a great post! I'd like to remind you guys that there are no dead people in my fridge, but who knows about Max's, I don't really use his fridge much. We think our comics have been steadily getting better, so I hope you guys agree and share this around with your buddies! Now onto the news...
Well, I've been thinking about writing some more stories while I get in the mood for Halloween. The atmosphere around my neighborhood is helping a lot with that. And ev-Oh wait, you guys want to know what happened to the Epic Club Show, right? Well, we were super excited to try it out this week, but Max got sick and some other things got in the way, so please don't hate us! To make it up to you, I've drawn something inspired by my humorous (yet creepy) 50-word short story that won SNR's contest last week. Here's Jerry the Werewolf in all his wonky-pencil glory!

You may have noticed that he wears glasses too. Comes in handy for near-sighted werewolves. The story (which I call Full-Moon Bedfellows) was short, but sweet, in my opinion. This reminds me of the RPG I was writing, which features a lot of werewolves. While it may be getting warmer here in Brazil (although the freakish weather has been nice to me these past few days), my mind is in Autumn (of the Canadian Variety), and that gets me in the mood for things that go bump in the night! Some more horr0r-themed things are sure to come our way!
While I could go on rambling about all things spooky, pagan and October-y (Like my birthday, for example!), I guess this is enough for today. October (my favourire month!) will be upon us soon and we at the ECB shall provide you with general creepiness and fun, so stay tuned! For now, why don't you enjoy another youtube webseries for fans of RPGs and magical lands while I finish my own RPG? Have a great weekend, readers!
Chainsaw cheers,
Optiluiz out.
PS: Did you guys know that Max and I were born only one day apart?
PSS: I know I don't draw as well as Max, but common, at least I tried!
PSSS: Did I mention how much I friggin' love this weather? Dammit, this was a great day.
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