Greetings, jolly readers.
Optiluiz here to forcibly shove some yuletide joy into your unprepared minds on this merry... Thursday. Yes, my friends, I'm posting early for the first time in forever! Actually, I'm only doing this because on Friday I'll be heading to the beach with my friends and won't be available for a while. Besides, I think we should all just enjoy the Holidays and not worry about posting for a while. Anyhow, on to the news, and remember to check out our giveaway details after the main post!
Max and I are working on our next animated video, and I think it'll turn out ok. It'll probably be another remake of an old comic, but we're redrawing it to make things prettier! Animation is hard work, so it might still take a while to complete. In any case, I hope today's comic satisfies the humor-hungry readers out there. I'm also gonna test out my camera and editing skills on the new computer, so we might have some live-action videos as well! Be prepared, people.
You know, living in Brazil has made it hard to fully appreciate the Christmas spirit, especially after childhood in Canada. The lack of snow, tv specials and general northerness kind of bums me out sometimes. However, I think the Christmas spirit should live on regardless of what continent you are in. As long as you're in the company of people you like and have access to a copy of The Nightmare Before Christmas, everything will be alright. (Yes, I have an annual tradition of re-watching that damned perfect film, and it's the only present anyone will ever need).
Christmas is one of my favourite moments of the year, only losing to Halloween because there are no spooky things involved. I actually know a lot of people who don't care for it, but I can't imagine living life as a soul-less Grinch who can't enjoy the season of giving and cheer. Hell, my first goal for when I get horribly rich (and yes, it's when, not if), is to be able to buy EVERYONE I know some of the best Christmas gifts ever. But I digress, it's gonna be a while before that happens, and for now I guess the stuff I ordered on eBay will suffice. If it ever gets here.
Alas, I do believe it's time to go. I'm sure you all have your own holiday matters to attend to, and I have to get ready for travel (and a few more stop-motion Christmas Specials as well). Hopefully I'll make another post before New Year's, as I think this was an amazing year with some events that warrant commenting on the blog. Until then, I hope you all have a great Christmas, with much love, partying and presents. I'll leave you with a Weird Al classic, to get y'all in the mood.
Chainsaw cheers,
Optiluiz out.
PS: Don't forget to check out my Christmas-y short story on the 29th!
PPS: Anyone else excited for the Doctor Who Christmas Special? God, I love Christmas Specials!
BONUS ROUND: In the spirit of Christmas, I've decided to do the Epic Club Blog's first Christmas Giveaway! Yes, folks, you all have a chance to win a downloadable copy of the survival horror game "Afterfall: Insanity - Extended Edition!"