Optiluiz here once more, and it's funny just how natural it feels to be posting regularly once more. It's like riding a virtual bike (though in my current mood I imagine it more as a horse), but with less sweat and insect-eating. Actually, considering how hot it is around here this time of year, the sweat and insects are the same. Anyhow, on to business...
I've been away for a while, so I might as well discuss what's been going on. After facing pretty much the worst year of my life, things began to slowly get better. I guess you can say I unwittingly embarked on a great big personal journey. Since my last post; the world apparently did not end in the supposed Mayan apocalypse, my favourite song became Ziggy Stardust, obscure horror movie marathons became a thing again, I got into college (Film school for the win! Or not...), I began dating a real-life human being and became fascinated with all things Tolkien once more.
Yeah, a lot happened, and I'm not sure which is more surprising. But what matters now, is that I rediscovered myself, and that's why I think I'm ready for the blog once more. The stars are in position and everything feels right, I guess. I actually beat my own record with over 1000 movies on my IMDB list, and have become a pretty decent horror movie buff if I may say so myself. But right now that comes second to my middle earth addiction. For example, take a look at these Smaug doodles I made, based on the original illustrations...

As you can see, I've been reading the Hobbit and playing a lot of Skyrim. Old doodling habits die hard I guess, like Bruce Willis's career. Oh, I'll be returning to ye olde land of ice and maple syrup soon as well. Exciting news, eh? I think that's al- Oh yeah, I think we should have a more interactive environment around the blog, so I'll be accepting suggestions for movie reviews and just about anything else!
I guess that's all for now, and I hope you guys have an awesome day/week/month. I'll be here spending some time with my totally real and not made up girlfriend, and some old friends that we all know and love. Until we meet again on our journeys, far over misty websites cold, through blogs deep and posts of old...
Chainsaw cheers,
- Optiluiz out.
PS: Still waiting on Max's drawings...
Hey, you bitch! Long time no see. You know my english sucks, so I don't like to write anything in english, but... You asked for it writing a post like this. "I began dating a real-life human being" lol Yeah, this one is definetely the more surprising. And I'm happy for you. Your life is getting better. I WANT A REVIEW FOR WE ARE WHAT WE ARE (I don't know if you watched this movie, but I watched and loved it). Search in piratebay, download it and watch it. Then review it. I wanna see your review of it (It's creepy, and your "kind of" movie. Srsly). Ok, bye
ReplyDeleteAh, I still want posts with more sex.
I really want to watch that movie! I'll review it very soon! And maybe we'll get sexier g.g.
ReplyDeleteThanks for commenting, Rasg Girl! One of our oldest members, *sniff* .