Here we are again. It's 2014, and we're back again. I guess deep down I always knew one day I might return. I'm not sure why, but I knew. Well, to make a long story short, the blog is back in action! Years have passed and things have changed, but, for your enjoyment, the Epic Club Blog lives on! It's funny how these things work, but to be honest, I just really missed this place.
Along with me is Max, the original Co-founder of the blog. We've decided to give this blog another shot of adrenaline right in the heart. It feels good to be back, folks. The ECB 4.0 is a new creature, and I hope you guys will enjoy it. Life has changed much after all these years, but some things stay the same, and I hope you'll embrace our new posts, and we can all be a big, happy (and slightly evil), club again!
Now, for those just tuning in, why don't you visit our About Us page? And meanwhile, let me introduce you to the blog's main characters! (We'll update this when Max decides to help out).

Optiluiz is me, The maniacal chainsaw-weilding co-founder of the ECB. He's obviously the most awesome person in this plane of existence, and is ready to fight for that position. He has a hate/hate relationship with his buddy Max (the ex-emo clown), and also really loves movies. A lot. Almost as much as chainsaws. He's also the world's best aspiring writer, and everyone should love him.

Oh, El Hijo Del Diablo. He goes by many other names, but this sly devil is one of Optiluiz's 'buddies' and shows up every once in a while due to the blog's character's being so darn naughty. He's a good soul at heart, and enjoys roasting orphans on an open fire and long strolls on the lava beaches of hell. Piña Coladas are optional.
More character bios will be added soon, as soon as Max makes his contribution. You'll see these fellows in our web-comics very soon, and I hope you'll enjoy their misadventures. And by the way, we'll be focusing on hand-drawn content from now on! Takes a long time but it's worth it. Right? RIGHT???
We don't really look like our cartoonish avatars anymore, but I believe that these guys are still a part of us inside, and I guess that's all that matters. (I never really lost the taste for chainsaws, myself).
Well, thanks for being here all this time. We've still had lots of views even during the hiatus (even though the most visited post was the Gimp one...), so I'd like to thank all of you. We'll be posting more reviews and videos soon. For now, why don't you listen to the Final Countdown, our blog's Anthem, of course (I know I did. A few hundred times...).
Chainsaw cheers, everyone.
- Optiluiz out.
PS: It's fucking good to be back!
PSS: Come back soon for our edit with Max's bio!
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