Thursday, March 19, 2015

The Final Frontier

Greetings, dear readers!

     Optiluiz here once more with a brand new comic about space! I hope you don't misinterpret today's post and think that I'm against space exploration, because astronomy is actually something I'm quite interested in. The problem isn't that there isn't anything of value in outer space, just that there is a whole lot more of nothing than actual things.
     In any case, as soon as it's possible for civilians to leave orbit, I'm selling my organs on the black market and booking a window-seat. It'll be my first step towards becoming a real-life Commander Shepherd! Even if it's dangerous, and even if there's no chance of coming back to earth, I still think the trip would be worth it. Now here's a doodle:
     Before I comment on the doodle, let's all just agree that Resident Evil 6 isn't a bad enough game to abandon the planet for, it's just not Resident Evil enough. Anyway, one thing that's always bothered me about the series (both movies and games), is how the many viruses manage to mutate some individuals into monsters many times larger than their original bodies. How the hell are they accumulating all that mass? The extra cells have to come from somewhere, folks.
     Anyway, I'm rushing to finish Resident Evil 6 soon so I can tackle Mass Effect 3. I guess I'm just aching for some epic science fiction to warm up for Star Wars at the end of the year. Also, my Urth of the New Sun book arrived in the mail this week, after five months of waiting. I guess that's relevant.
     Well, I guess that's all for today, but I hope you guys enjoyed the post, and don't forget to like our Facebook Page HERE! You'll get some exclusive content and know about updates sooner! Now I'll leave you guys with a new web-series that I found (and loved). I hope you all have a great weekend.
Chainsaw cheers,

-Optiluiz out.


  1. I really loved this comic when Maxxie sent it to me. Obviously I still love it. It's just so cute and has so many references.
    That's all.


    Rasg---- Maah

    1. Thanks! With the references, even if you don't like the joke the comics can still be fun ^^
