Optiluiz here to ruin your glorious Friday once again. (Round of Applause) Well... Here we are again. Toda- Damn. This song is too good to write to (Wipeout). Nostalgia... It's a peculiar thing, you know. Fading memories that we cherish more than we apparently should. Nostalgia is a beautiful word, in pronunciation and meaning. Writing it feels great as well. Nostalgia. Well, this song makes me feel nostalgic. A simpler time with simpler worries, filled with wonder. Being a kid is great. Lots of things make us feel this way. Certain colours, smells, sounds, etc... These memories remind us that at some point we were real, we were there, we fe- Damn. I'm doing that again. Rambling is a serious problem on a blog.
Well, as incredible as it may seem, nostalgia will not be today's post. I've tried hard to control myself today and not post yet another school-related rant. It's been hard, but I guess I'll manage. The hate for those fascist pigs still hasn't diminished, I'm just trying not to tire you, our precious readers...
And so... Isa decided to apologize to you guys in a different way today. She's making the Friday comic while I distract you with text. (Round of laughter) The tone of humor in this comic is slightly less morbid, but still not infantile...
I guess all there is left to talk about is... What is there to talk about? Oh well. I give up. Rambling time. I gotta fill up this page, I need to write more. The inner voice in my head is telling me to. One of them is, anyways. You guys have inner voices too, right? Sometimes they make me feel like a mere vessel controlled by a group of phantasms in possession of my body... Okay, I went too far there, didn't I? (SHUT UP!)
Friday is my favourite day of the week. It may be the favourite day of a large part of society, but to me it's a bit more special. Friday has a certain... Ambience to it, that no other day has. It's rather magical, but a bit unnerving as well. Damn. I'm using contradicting ideas again. I'm just distracting you while Isa finishes, so no problem, right? Now that I think about it... I should ramble more on the blog. It's therapeutic, almost. It feels good. I guess you learned a lot today, no? No?
I guess everyone should ramble every now and then. We all have different views on things, some that can't be expressed in coherent essays or narratives. Rambling is a peculiar thing, it- I'll shut up now. This could become an endless cycle of topics, and I'll still never comment on what Isa drew. (Sigh). I'm done. I hope this was useful for you guys, and thanks for reading (Or Skimming). Today you've learned that rambling is good, we all need to do it sometimes. Oh, that's right, the second chapter of the manga. Download link below. I'll post that and wait for Isa. Bye folks,
Chainsaw Cheers,
Life and Death! Manga Chapter 1: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=1FX39MHC
Life and Death! Manga Chapter 2: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=XJ0ATYEP

Hey fellas,
Isa here. I just dropped by to warn you guys that things are going to get hardcore here on the blog. Yeah, that's an intimidation. No, I'm kidding (Why so serious?). Well, every friday we have a "fifth" hardcore comic now (Quinta). This is a pun that only us Latin Americans can understand. I'm sorry, I couldn't resist. Bear hugs...
Isa out.
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