Optiluiz here once more with something I bet you thought you'd never see: the final entry in the Veteran of a Thousand Meme Wars saga! I mean, technically this is just a modified version of the original last panel of the previous comic, but don't fret about the details! Just enjoy the moment.
To be honest, for a while there I thought we'd never see the end of this thing, and I'm not sure where to go from here. I mean, I've got a thousand ideas for more comics, and I know I'll never run out of things to complain about in these posts, but I've been thinking about changing things around a bit.
I've had a nearly-complete version of this post drafted for a few months now, and I've been hesitating to actually publish it for a number of reasons. Most of these are due to silly personal paranoia and a feeling of "what do I do once this is over?", but in the end, the delay is mostly due to real life. I had to turn in my final college project last week, and this semester has honestly been killing me.
Hell, even outside of college things haven't exactly been easy, but the ECB was never far from my thoughts. I like it here, and as we approach the blog's sort-of 10th anniversary, I've been thinking a lot about how this has always been a safe haven for all my stupid ideas to flourish away from prying eyes (I mean, come on, it's not like anyone ever visits).
This is why I know I'll still be posting in the near future, and with Max having returned to town, I'm pretty sure we'll have a few surprises in store for you guys very soon. I'll leave ya'll with a song thats been in my head since I watched Nirvanna The Band The Show, my latest obsession. At the end of the post, I'll also add the complete version of Veteran of a Thousand Meme Wars for your viewing pleasure! Hope you enjoy it, and thanks for visiting.
-Optiluiz out.
PS: Did anyone else watch the new What We Do In The Shadows series? It's some of the best television I've seen this year.
PPS: Wolfenstein II was pretty rad, and Katana Zero is awesome too!
PPPS: Had another Godzilla fase this year, anticipating King of the Monsters. It wasn't as good as I wanted it to be, but still had fun revisiting the older films.
PPPPS: Oh, my old computer died and I had to wait a while before receiving a new one. It really complicated college stuff, but I survived. Anyway, here's the rest of the comics.