Friday, March 9, 2018

Veteran of a Thousand Meme Wars - Part XIV

Greetings, Epic Clubbers!

Optiluiz here once more, with yet another quality addition to our soon-to-be-concluded season of comics! How've you guys been? I've had a busy week now that Summer Vacation is over, but doesn't it feel great to finally kick the boots off your feet after a long day and blog on a Friday night? What, just me?

So, anyone else check out the Oscars on Sunday? I've been keeping up with them for quite a few years now, and while they've never been much more than a manipulative scheme orchestrated by the Illuminati a somewhat entertaining pasttime, this last ceremony was pretty bad, even for awards show standards. Shape of Water definitely didn't deserve that award, but I'm glad Del Toro might finally be taken seriously now, so we may yet see his version of At The Mountains of Madness!

I've been rewatching that early 2000s MTV Spider-Man show again, which is always great. Aesthetically speaking, it's definitely my favorite version of the character, and I'd love a Spider-Man movie that looks (and sounds) like that. Alas, it seems the future of everything I love seems destined to involve child-friendly productions with no regard for style or atmosphere. Hunh. I'm such an old man.

Anyway, that's about it for now. Hope y'all enjoyed the post, and don't forget to comment, like our Facebook page and shit like that. I think Sr. M will be here soon to play some more Left 4 Dead, so I'll be going now. However, I'll leave you guys with yet another catchy tune to finish off the week.

Chainsaw cheers,

-Optiluiz out.

PS: Anyone have any obscure Found Footage films to recommend? I'm on an ill-advised quest to see them all.

PPS: Bought some cool shit online, I'll talk about it when it gets here. Might take a while, though, with Brazil having a worst postal service than Mars.