Greetings, dear readers.
Optiluiz here with an unexpected post. I won't waste time excusing my tardiness and the lack of new comics, but I can assure you that scripts have been written and new projects are slowly being developed. Now that the boring stuff is out of the way, how have you guys been? It's been quite a year, hasn't it? Personally, I'm excited for 2017, and can only hope that it'll be a much-needed fresh start for all of us.
Anyway, enough about real life. We're here for some Epic Club Adventures, aren't we? Max and I were recently dealing with yet another college strike, so we decided to embark on a top-secret project that we've long dreamed about. We've finally made some progress in producing our very own ECB-inspired web-series, and I hope you enjoyed the teaser trailer above. If all goes according to plan, the finished series will be compiled into a movie of sorts, and I hope you guys enjoy it. We're still a long way off from that, however.
In all honesty, I've been feeling guilty about not posting for so long, but as I've mentioned before, my personal life sometimes just doesn't agree with the *blog schedule*. However, I thought I'd give you guys an early Christmas present, just to show that we haven't actually abandoned our beloved Club. One of the things that's been taking up a lot of time is a top-secret project for Bloody Disgusting, which I'll totally share with you guys when the time is right.
I've been feeling nostalgic lately (which isn't much of a surprise), so I reread some older blog entries during the past few lonely nights. I found myself smiling at the last post of 2012, back when many thought that the world was coming to an end. That was the closest I've ever come to truly saying goodbye to the ECB, and I admit that reading that apocalyptic post nearly brought a tear to my eye. If all goes as plan, there won't be anymore goodbyes in our future for a long time, though as I've always said, an apocalypse would be quite refreshing.
Well, I believe that's all for now, folks. Thanks for reading, and I hope you all have a jolly holiday season (I know I will). The blog will still be here next year, and with any luck, it'll be our best season of comics (and videos) yet. I'll leave you guys with a long-delayed compilation of last season's comics, and the promise of a possible giveaway early next season.

Chainsaw cheers,
Optiluiz out.
PS: How about a round of applause to the incredibly talented friend-of-the-blog, Reviewbrah (AKA Lecturer), from the ReportOfTheWeek Channel? Thanks for the help, bud!
PPS: I've become addicted to Bojack Horseman in the past few weeks, and by god, that amazing show manages to be more depressing in 25 minutes than spending an entire week with Max
PPPS: I really hope you guys got the American Psycho parody in the teaser, or else it's kind of pointless.