Greetings, Boys and Ghouls!
Optiluiz here on this most frightening Friday night to present our celebration of All Hallow's Eve! Here in Brazil, in spite of the inappropriate weather and lack of general knowledge regarding the holiday, there are still some great people ready to get in the Halloween spirit, and I'm one of them! Because of this, tonight I have a Halloween party to attend to and I'm psyched! I'll be going as Jason, as I've mentioned before, and afterwards there will be general seasonal goodness at my house. Now, onto the news...
Today also marks the publication of my Halloween tale "An Innocent Rite", which is now hosted on Saturday Night Reader alongside my other stories! I recommend that you click on the link and check them out for a great, spooky time. Also, our last Halloween movie review was posted a few days ago, and I think you should check that out if you feel like discovering more about the origins of my chainsaw obsession. Now, here's my very own Orange Jack' O' Lantern (With a Jason-faced lollipop inside as well!).
This past month has been really great for me, and I think this weekend will be a perfect ending to an awesome, creepy October. Actually, now that I think of it, it sounds like the setup to a horror film; my parents are out of town, there'll be a costume party and it's Halloween. Well, I haven't heard about any recent serial killers surrounding the neighborhood, so I think I'll be fine. Oh, I'll be sure to post some pictures here as well after the party, so stay tuned!
I don't think there's anything else left to say other than that I've finished Night Shift (which still makes me wonder why I waited so long to read Stephen King's short stories), and I still haven't finished Fear Itself, but I'm trying! Also, I've recently played Slender: The Arrival, and I love it due to it being basically Blair Witch Project: the Game. But I guess I'll leave you to your spooky festivities now, as I have my own seasonal matters to attend to. I wish you all a happy Halloween, and I'll leave you with another Trick'r'Treat related video.
Chainsaw Cheers,
Optiluiz out.
(This is Halloween!)
PS: Yes, I know there is an actual Trilogy of Blair Witch games, but they don't resemble the movies as much as Slender.
PPS: The Orange' O' Lantern actually smells great and looks awesome in the dark when lit!