Optiluiz here once more on this fine Friday evening with some awesome news! But first, let's take a moment to remember that South-Koreans are still prohibited from watching porn, and that's awful. With no carnal distractions, they keep dominating us in online games. Please let this madness stop! Now, onto some lighter news...
My short horror story is finally online! Yay! I've been waiting for this for a while, and this story is based on adventures regarding myself and Max! Here's a link to Saturday Night Reader, where my story "Buried Intentions" is being hosted. It's a great site, with calming rain sounds and lots of story options to choose from (Choose mine, though!). Now here's a random doodle from pre-blog times. Please don't judge.

Didya like it? I only uploaded the image after having already written this, so I have no idea what you just saw, but I know it was great because Optiluiz was the one responsible. And speaking of great things, I got free pizza with Max yesterday! That's just something I thought didn't exist in real life. But I was wrong. We live in the best of possible worlds, friends.
Other than that I guess I can say it's been a slow week. Max and I are discussing a remake/refurbishing of older comics in order to make something new and awesome. Also, our paranormal videos, which are almost certain at this point. Which reminds me, our paypal button is still there so we wouldn't mind some help raising the money to buy our own domain name and make this blog as awesome as it can be! But I think I'm rambling, so I should go now.
Thanks for reading, and I hope everyone has a great weekend. Let's celebrate the little things and wave at our far-away problems! I'll leave you guys with a paranormal video from a guy I admire. The Dead Explorer has some great videos, so I hope you like this one.
Chainsaw cheers,
Optiluiz out.
PS: Hey, Max here! I'm way too stoned on my meds to really say something, but I guess there was supposed to be something about K-PORN in this comic.