Saturday, July 12, 2014

Dino-Juice and other delicacies...

such natural, wow


     Optiluiz here once more to remind you not to try the experiment from the comic above at home. Or do it, I don't know, I'm not a doctor or anything so I can't tell you what to do, you cute little devils. I know that this isn't one-hundred percent scientifically accurate, however, but for the sake of the comic I don't care.

     So... I guess there isn't that much new around the blog this week. Toast is still waiting for his equipment to start reviewing and Max was too busy studying (yes, he apparently does that too) to draw something this week. However, our good friend Maah/Rasg-Girl has provided us with a rough doodle of Optiluiz in all his cartoonish glory:

Such awesome, wow

     Didya like it? Of course you did, everything that has me in it is cool. In other news, I'm still reading the Book of the New Sun, having finished the 'Shadow of the Torturer' and now on to 'Claw of the Conciliator'. I haven't been this entertained by a book in quite a while, so I recommend it. However, it's not all fun and games, having a pretty heavy dose of philosophy and deeper themes. Just read it already!

     I think that's it for now. I gotta go read some more and watch more interesting youtube videos. I don't remember if I've posted Good Mythical Morning on here before, but it's pretty much my favourite webseries, and I think I'll share it with my loyal readers before I go, so we can all start (or end) or day in the best way possible. Have a great weekend, folks.

Chainsaw cheers,

Optiluiz out.

Friday, July 4, 2014

Maah, Moneymen and Publishers...

such money, wow


     Optiluiz here on this fine Friday evening with awesome news. First of all, the above comic is only partially based on true stories, since our 'office' is actually a multidimensional space which includes the entirety of the local mall (but mostly the food court), my house, Max's room, my girlfriend's house and some other weird places. Now on to the important stuff...

     Today one of my short stories was finally picked up for publication in a magazine anthology! How 'bout them apples, eh? I'm really excited, since this is my first official publication, and hopefully it's not the last! I'm actually celebrating with my girlfriend right now, and planning a celebration with some buddies. Also, I've made the drawing Maah/Rasg Girl requested about four years ago. Here it is:

Very Maah, wow

     Like it? I hope you do, and this is pretty much a special thanks to Maah for believing in our blog and always helping out. It's only a few years late, nothing much. Well, Toast still hasn't posted because he's awaiting the opportunity to review something really special! And Max and I are planning a short video as well, which we hope will draw some more viewers.

     I think that's all for now, I'd really rather get back to celebrating and eventually sleeping. So, before I go, I'll leave you guys with a really fun and educational video series produced by John Green. Yeah, that John Green. I hope you all enjoy it, and have an awesome weekend like I'm having!

Chainsaw cheers,

Optiluiz out.

PS: I never read anything by John Green, sorry.