Optiluiz here once more on this chilly friday evening. The above comic is pretty much a PSA regarding violent games. Everyone knows that coming into contact with them turns people into violent killers. Just ask my lawyer! Well, all joking aside, I don't think I play many games without some sort of violence in them. In fact, I've recently been playing Dead Space, and even the Telltale Jurassic Park game!
So, apparently we're a band now, with Hijo del Diablo on drums. I guess that's cool. (Although my singing expertise only extends to singing Take On Me on Guitar Hero this one time). Anyhow, we've been having more adventures, and I've even been writing another short story which I hope to publish soon. Wish me luck, ECB! And here's our band performing...

We're awesome, right? I know we are. To be honest, I don't think I have much more to write today. I've been playing a lot of videogames and watching a few movies with my girlfriend. And most of the adventures Max and I go on involve nachos and pizza. However, we did have a fun incident regarding the band 'Strokes', and how unacceptable it is to say "dude, stop Stroking." Also, stay tuned for our next hit single, "Dino Love". Oh, I also watched the whole Spectacular Spiderman animated series. It's great, and you should do the same!
Well, I used to be really into paleontology when I was younger, but as time went on I kind of stopped researching about it. These days I was surfing around the internet and discovered a few things that really blew my mind. Shrink-wrapped dinosaur syndrome and true-colour recreations were pretty cool to discover. But I guess it's kind of sad that Jurassic Park was so innaccurate.
Well, I guess that's all for now. I was recently attacked by a girlfriendasaurus rex, and it hurt, so I better get back to my position. Hope you guys have an awesome weekend, and a cool week as well. I'll leave you with this video about weird dinosaurs.
Chainsaw cheers,
Optiluiz out.
PS: My phone ringtone is now the old 90s Spiderman Animated Series theme...