Optiluiz here once more on a darn fine Friday evening. I'll be honest, I think I wrote too much on my last post, so today shall be very brief. Anyway, the above comic is based on a true story. It was the exciting part of this week, Friday not included. (Fridays are always awesome).
Well, Max and I have a sidejob as superheroes, apparently, and we call ourselves the Dudemen. We're awesome and that's all you need to know for now. We'll be posting about it soon.
This week the best thing I did was watch True Detective. Seriously, that is one fine show, and I sincerily recommend it to fans of Se7en and even X-Files. Well written, well acted and well executed in general, it's one of the best programs on TV. See it now!
I think that's really all I have to say for now, I'm having a great weekend so far, and I think that if I write too much about life I might forget to live it. So I hope you all have fun and enjoy it as much as I did. I leave you guys with the song that's been in my head all week due to TD. Enjoy.
Optiluiz here once more, and he is very sorry. Really, I was hoping not to draw anymore dragons or make fantasy-inspired posts, but it was unavoidable. But before we begin today's long-winded epic tale, I'd like to add that Max once again owes us drawings, and one of our blog dragons is still unnamed. But Norbertu's fine. Now, on we go...
I finally finished Skyrim. I know, I'm about 3 years late to the party, but I have to share something that was such a big part of my life for the last few months. I've come to realize that life really isn't that different from an RPG, we just have less dragons around. However, in the end, everything can basically be broken down into quests and we really do level up with experience, it's just a lot more subtle. In the end, I think we should all live life as if someday someone will sit around a campfire and recite this epic tale to a bunch of excited listeners. Everyone can be a hero in their own way.
I usually play RPGs like a movie, and when the time comes it must end, so I don't do every quest, and I make sure to try and act like the character would. In my Skyrim adventure, I played as an Imperial traveler who gets caught up in the whole dragonborn business and even had his own little character arch. I was pretty proud of it in the end. Ludin (his nordic name) arrived a helpless prisoner and slowly began amassing power to defeat the evil Alduin. Though at times he struggled with his own morality deciding on whether or not the end of his quest justified his means of attaining power, he eventually turned into a symbol of hope for all in Tamriel, and gave up his own Imperial heritage to defend the rights of the Nords. In the end, having become a hero of the people, he faced Alduin in the heavens and attained a righteous victory. Now here's a non-related gif.
Wow, I think I got a bit lost in the whole role-playing thing. But I like to live these stories, after all. I'll certainly miss this game, but I think it's time to move on, and have fond memories of the days I spent in the cold regions of Skyrim during a Brazilian summer. Of course, some things I'll still take with me, like the incessant need to do mundane sidequests, not because of the potential loot or experience, but because it'll help someone. Oh, and the in-game apple pies, I learned to make them and they're delicious. But one more important thing is to remember that there is no problem you can't overcome after a bit of patience and some more experience. Or dragons.
But that's enough about Skyrim. Life moves on (though it is hard to give up my own personal nicotine), and as you can see I tried to remake the suicide gif, but I'm still not satisfied with the results. It's not good enough to replace the old one, yet. Max will finish his heroic drawings soon, I hope. And we'll finish (or start, whichever you prefer) our movie(s) as well. Anyway, I'll leave you all with something epic to remember Skyrim by. I think that's all for now, and I hope you all have an awesome weekend!
Optiluiz here once more on this fine Friday evening. Yeah, I brought back the Were-Panda. I like the Were-Panda. Anyways, Max and I have been having some actual adventures late. Reliving the glory days of old, and being superheroes and whatnot, but that's a story for another time. Right now, let's rejoice because our dragons are alive! Now it's up to you readers to decide their names!
Well, one viewer suggested that we made a post on werewolves and other paranormal things. Since I love you guys and would do almost anything for views, let's do this!
It's no secret that I'm a sucker for all things paranormal, especially cryptozoology (the study of 'secret' or 'hidden' creatures), and few legends can compete with that of the werewolf, predating bigfoot and even nessie. You see, werewolves have been recorded in history since before the ancient Greeks, though the mythology isn't always consistent with what we consider to be 'modern werewolves'. Even vikings belived in shapeshifting warriors which could turn into animals by donning the pelt of a predator. Now here's some wolf-inspired art!
Like it? If you want to see more of these fine drawings, visit my cousin Ketrin's blog at http://katzdesenhos.blogspot.com.br/ ! She draws a lot better than myself, so I think you'll enjoy it.
Now back to werewolves, like witches, many people were persecuted during medieval times under suspicion of lycanthropy (the condition of being a werewolf, which nowadays refers to the psychological affliction). But in fact, many medieval doctors already suspected this to be an illness of the mind, and not actual black magic, though many accused were burned at the stake. Even so, the legend of the werewolf lives on, and I know a lot of people, even inside my own family, that swear that they've seen a wolfman at one point or another. I wish I'll get to see something like that some day...
I think that's all I can say regarding werewolves, but if you're interested in the subject, I recommend you watch American Werewolf in London, the Ginger Snaps trilogy and Dog Soldiers! These are my favourite werewolf movies, and I'll leave a mini-documentary regarding the infamous Warren paranormal investigators facing a supposed werewolf. So, I hope you guys have a great weekend, and tell us what you think our dragons should be named!
Chainsaw cheers,
Optiluiz out.
PS: Max prefers to be a vampire, but more on that later...
Optiluiz here once more, and I'd like to add that there is some truth to the above comic, but we'll get there soon enough. Well, since we last posted I found out that the new Robocop is actually pretty good (I'm not even joking), the RPG didn't pan out yet (but I'm working on it!) and I had an idea for a movie (again, more on that later.)
Though I'm still playing Skyrim like it's a part-time job, this week stuff actually happened. Max and I accidentally summoned a being called Julami after jokingly (and badly) making a Ouija board and trying it out. It was our first time doing this, and it was all pretty fun, though everything was homemade and improvised. We don't know much about Julami other than that he's rather useless and a bit of a pushover. At least he'll keep Max company. In other news...
Our dragon died. Yeah, not enough visits or clicked. I hope you're happy... But have no fear! I've adopted two new eggs which seem to be doing a lot better. If things keep up they'll hatch soon, so common clubbers, let's make sure the blog has two new reptilian pets. Or flying war-machines, depends on our mood, really. And speaking of dragons...
That's as close as I could get to an actual motivational poster, guys. And hopefully that's the last dragon I'll be drawing for a while. But you never know, fate could have something else in store for our doodles here.
Other than all that, I think that this is the closest I've ever come to actually making a movie with Max in real life, so hopefully we'll have more stuff for you guys as time goes on. It actually has to do with Julami, and I think it fits with everything I like to write about here on the blog. And one more thing, sorry, no worthy pictures were taken at the zombie walk. Better luck next time.
I guess that's all for now, but before I go, here's a video about something really awesome. Someone is actually trying to make a Silent Hill movie that feels like Silent Hill! Sure the acting's sub par and it gets a bit cheesy, but this has potential and is turning into a feature-length fan-film. Anyways, have an awesome Friday!